treehouse_ed Oct 03, 2010 23:30
i still miss him, boys boys boys, made of glitter, crossovers from hell, 9021wtf?, hot men, i'm not high i swear, deal with it uriel, talk nerdy to me, everything is made of rainbows, sex is hard, high school never ends, ed is fabulous, true love never dies, stars in my eyes, not sexually frustrated, totally suave, geekgasm, unf, don't stop believin, teen angst, dancing in the dark, deal with it harry, the geeks shall inherit the earth, class? what class, white and nerdy, rad bromance, hot mess
treehouse_ed Oct 02, 2010 22:27
teen angst, sex is hard, high school never ends, oh shit hookah, feel your feelings, what is my life